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WHAT THE WALRUS SAID--Our Authors' Blog--





A good friend e-mailed us—


"Murdock went peacefully on his bed at home yesterday."


We know that heaviness.


You dread summoning the vet, with her vials and needles. You hold that furry body—once so warm—as it goes limp.


You wanted to stop the suffering, but now there's guilt—"I killed my dog!" You're lonely. Your companion is gone. You feel hollow inside. Silently, you mourn.


A dog is a consciousness, like us, only with a better nose. How did these creatures—progeny of wolves—become so entwined in our hearts and homes?


Maybe it's simple: your dog worships you. It's not coy about it. It'll happily lick your fingers. Dogs like fun: let's chase that ball! Tell your dog your fears or worries. Those ears will listen.


What better friend than that?


Yet, we've seen dogs wandering streets from Cairo to Newark, homeless, hungry.


Maybe dogs evolved to test us. Maybe how we treat them measures our humanity.


Our friend's West Highland Terrier died of leukemia, after a glorious life—Murdock knew the bliss of being a player on the A-team, beloved.


Lucky dog.

Lucky friend of dog.


--Joyce and Richard


But here's Eric Morse with the last word about his best friend, Murdock—


"He had an amazing life of running, covering over 25,000 miles with me, more than the circumference of the Earth. We teamed together in over 200 races in 9 different states.


"He continued to run every day with me up until the final weeks. I'm convinced his fitness and continued running extended his life.


"I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the thoughtful remarks and reactions to Murdock's passing. They all brought tears to my eyes, knowing so many people cared.


"Farewell our friends. It was the best times."



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We met a woman today who noticed the t-shirt one of us wore, with a picture of a Pembroke Welsh corgi on the front.


Our best friend, we said. He'd been astonishingly bright.


So she told us about her dog—also now gone—a Bernese mountain dog, with some collie mixed in.


"He was a genius," she said.


As evidence, she told us how one of her cats would escape, out to the meadow, where  danger lurked. Coyotes, for instance.


So she would tell the Bernese mountain dog: "Go find the cat."


Off he'd go, into the meadow, sniffing for cat. When he found her, he had no way to bring her home. So he'd gently place his huge paw on her and press her down.


Then he would wait for the lady to come and retrieve her imprisoned cat.


Later that day, our friend Eric visited us, with Murdock, a west highland terrier. We told him how impressed we'd been with that Bernese mountain dog's intelligence..


Eric looked unimpressed.


"Sometimes my cat disappears in the house," he said.


He stared down at Murdoch.


"Where's kitty?" he said. "Find kitty."


Immediately Murdock went hunting her. Is she behind the television? Under the bed? Did she sneak into the pantry?


This was our house, with no cat. However, Murdock diligently looked for her. Just like that Bernese mountain dog, he understood—"Find kitty."


So, double proof—some dogs know exactly what you're talking about.


--Joyce and Richard

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This photograph shows our friends Eric Morse and Murdock, the West Highland Terrier, just after they won yet another "six-legged race," meaning one human and one dog.


We think this photograph speaks for itself.



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This photo shows our friends Eric Morse (the human) and Murdoch (the West Highland Terrier) after their most recent race together, the PAWS run, on April 10, 2021, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.


Of course, Eric and Murdoch won. They always do.


Eric, a state-champion runner in high school, continued running as a member of the U.S. Mountain Running Team, competing against teams from other countries, in foot races up all sorts of daunting mountains, like the Alps.


After retiring, Eric began entering "six-legged races" with Murdoch, who has proved as winning a runner as he is.


We decided to post this photo because it tickles us to see the Olympics-style podium, with our friend Murdoch honored as "Top Dog." He's won so many first-place prizes that he's one of the few dogs with his own bank account.


--Joyce & Richard

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Our good friend and frequent visitor, Murdock Morse, sends his holiday greetings to all.

Go romp in the snow, he says. It feels good!

--Joyce & Richard

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Gracie Duke--another good friend of ours--wants to second her pal Murdock's message: celebrate!

It's the darkest days of the year, she says. So get out there and bark! Bark for the return of the light!. Bark loud! It'll come!

Joyce & Richard

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Christmas Murdock

Murdock and Casey share their Christmas

Our friend Eric Morse sent us this photo of Murdock, the unofficial east-coast dog-race champion, and his friend, Casey, the old cat.

Casey actually does regard Murdock as his best friend. Murdock, not so much. It's complicated.

No matter what, these two, with their Christmas tree and presents, radiate warmth and good will, just right for this season. In these stressful times, we can all use some of that.

So, we're sending out this image, to share with our readers.

Also, we think that Murdock, deep down, likes Casey a lot more than he lets on. Sometimes they snooze side-by-side, don't they?

--Joyce & Richard Read More 
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Eric & Murdock, just awarded a ribbon for winning a race (again!)

In our celebrity obsessed society, where it seems only People Magazine A-listers rate attention, here’s what we see all around us—talent, ability, accomplishment, decency. In this blog, we try to acknowledge what we see.

So, here’s one….

Our friend Eric was just inducted into the Vermont runners’ Hall of Fame, with these words:

“For the better part of three decades, Eric Morse was the most dominant road runner in Vermont.” And this: “Whenever Eric entered a local race, the only question was who would finish in second behind him.”

Six-times the state’s high-school champion in cross country and track. A running scholarship to college. Then, seven times, a member of the U.S.A Mountain Running Team, competing internationally, often racing up Alpine peaks. Who even knew there was such a sport? Not us, until we met Eric.

He’s retired from Team U.S.A., but he still races. He partners with his super-fast West Highland Terrier, Murdock, and he’s still a champ—he and Murdock miss few “six-legged” races in the U.S. northeast.

They win every one.

--Joyce & Richard  Read More 
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Murdock Visits Again

Muddy Murdock

When our friend Murdock last visited, it was Green Murdock, because he got wet and rolled in the grass. Here he is again, but now it's Muddy Murdock--

Because a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do!

Next visit? Who knows?

--Richard & Joyce
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Murdock the Racing Dog

This is a photo of our friend Murdock, who is green because he played with the hose and then rolled in newly mowed grass.

We never know what color Murdock will be when he visits us. We call him “Murdock the Burdock” because he sticks tight to his best pal, Eric Morse. Sometimes, though, Eric’s trips are via airliner, and Murdock can’t go and he stays with us. This time Eric is running across the Grand Canyon, rim to rim.

Eric is a former member of the U.S. Mountain Racing Team. Now he competes in dog-plus-human races, with Murdock, and they always win. Murdock is unofficial Eastern U.S. dog-racing champ.

Murdock’s motto is: “Short legs? Just move ‘em faster.”

He has tons of trophies.

--Richard & Joyce Read More 
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