Murdock the Racing Dog
This is a photo of our friend Murdock, who is green because he played with the hose and then rolled in newly mowed grass.
We never know what color Murdock will be when he visits us. We call him “Murdock the Burdock” because he sticks tight to his best pal, Eric Morse. Sometimes, though, Eric’s trips are via airliner, and Murdock can’t go and he stays with us. This time Eric is running across the Grand Canyon, rim to rim.
Eric is a former member of the U.S. Mountain Racing Team. Now he competes in dog-plus-human races, with Murdock, and they always win. Murdock is unofficial Eastern U.S. dog-racing champ.
Murdock’s motto is: “Short legs? Just move ‘em faster.”
He has tons of trophies.
--Richard & Joyce